How to reap the benefits of sunlight, without damaging your skin. When was the last time you enjoyed the sun on your skin? Are you getting out into nature every day? Feeling the warmth of the beams wash over you? Or are you squirreled away behind a desk, worried about…
Sun isn’t the enemy; over-exposure without sunscreen is. As your skincare guru, you’re probably expecting me to tell you to stay far away from the sun; seek the shade; keep your face hidden from the glorious beams until summer passes and winter comes our way. But you’d be wrong.
I love educating my clients about skin and even more so their skin. I want to educate people about skin, and the uniqueness of their skin, so that if I drop dead, no one can BS them about how to properly care…
Helping those with uncomfortable and inflamed skin is my job. But it’s much more than that. It’s not just my job. It’s my purpose. I love being able to carry out my purpose through my work because it helps people……
The skin is often looked at as if it is dead Some assume or may see it as a ‘dead part of us’ and whatever it may show on the surface needs ‘eradicating’ and or ‘rectifying’ in some way, shape, or form. However, look closer at the skin…
Skin to Soul I believe beauty should be redefined, not as skin deep, but soul deep. I believe beauty does not equal youth. Neither does it come from the lack of wrinkles or a ‘perfect’ complexion. I believe beauty comes from within, from our presence, our wellness and from the…
I watered my garden today. I usually don’t get the chance. The centre of an arum lily filled with water and held it, like a cup, just for a fleeting moment. But then, there was too much water. It bent from…