In a world dominated by heavy expectations and the seemingly relentless pursuit of traditional milestones (get married; buy a house; have a baby…you get it), it’s easy to lose sight of the small joys that enrich our lives. But what if we celebrated the minor accomplishments in our…
The skin is often looked at as if it is dead Some assume or may see it as a ‘dead part of us’ and whatever it may show on the surface needs ‘eradicating’ and or ‘rectifying’ in some way, shape, or form. However, look closer at the skin…
Healing, re-energising, mystical and magical – mix my sacred room spray First, set your intention, emotion and focus – what do you wish for from the spray? To banish negative energies? To create a space for love, for peace or for grounding? To lift, lighten or inspire? Find your…
Skin to Soul I believe beauty should be redefined, not as skin deep, but soul deep. I believe beauty does not equal youth. Neither does it come from the lack of wrinkles or a ‘perfect’ complexion. I believe beauty comes from within, from our presence, our wellness and from the…
I watered my garden today. I usually don’t get the chance. The centre of an arum lily filled with water and held it, like a cup, just for a fleeting moment. But then, there was too much water. It bent from…