The skin is a living organ
The skin is often looked at as if it is dead
Some assume or may see it as a ‘dead part of us’ and whatever it may show on the surface needs ‘eradicating’ and or ‘rectifying’ in some way, shape, or form.
However, look closer at the skin and imagine it to be like a dead log…
Each is unique and no two logs you find are identical even if they be classed as the same type.
The log’s exterior offers protection to what may be unseen… in only a cross-section can the wood’s concentric circles (or growth rings) be visible… but there is much more – for any log actually provides a home and protection to an abundance of diverse organisms as well as creatures or insects.
The log provides food, shelter and interactions among species and the environment – these interactions between abiotic (nonliving) and biotic (living) factors are crucial to any ecosystem… even if the surface is sanded and the appearance of its uppermost texture appears smoother it doesn’t stop the fact that the log is much more and has more important capabilities or duties than solely its appearance and, at times, in sanding the surface you may be doing damage.
So like the skin, some may feel the need or want for the surface to appear smoother and ‘sand’ it away with an abundance of treatments and/or particular ingredients/ products and in some ways try to eradicate and/or rectify what one may deem important to do so, however, whatever the skin is portraying stems from much deeper layers and roots that needs to be taken into consideration.
The skin is a living organ, although some may not perceive it as so. It is a complex system that we have throughout our lives and growth, which consists of layers whilst the surface offers protection and insight alongside a microbiome that is unique to each individual and should be appreciated. It needs to be not looked at as dead (without our skin we would be dead) or unimportant like one may view a fallen log.
The log may be a micro-ecosystem, the skin an ecosystem. The log may have fallen to the ground and from there, its ecosystem thrives… the skin’s ground is the desquamating uppermost stratum corneum and living part skin microbiota, etc.
Both are very much ‘living’.